Ez-Fret Guitar Attachment

James Gensch tries out the Ez-Fret
You can now play clear notes and chords without finger pain and string buzzing
The Ez-Fret is designed for those who have made a strong effort to fret the strings with their fingers, but who have given up, due to finger pain and frustration with string buzzing. Using the 18 buttons which control the first three frets, over 110 chords, including the basic chords for the guitar keys of C, D, E, G and A, are available. Also, you have full scales of “C”and “F.” You will produce perfect and clear tones which are very difficult to achieve with ordinary fingering. Before trying the Ez-Fret, you should make every effort to play without it. Caution: Once you have tried the Ez-Fret, fretting the strings with your fingers will seem like a medieval torture. You will become addicted to the Ez-Fret. Fits full sized acoustic guitar with string length of 25.5,” left handed OK. Instructions and basic chord fingering included.
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• For those who have given up playing the guitar due to finger pain
• Eliminates painful callouses and string buzzing
• Fits full sized acoustic guitar with string length of about 25.5", left handed OK
• Over 110 chords, full scales of "C" and "F" available
• Easy to install, basic chord fingering and tablature included
Only available here!